The poster doesn't say much, just that Liam Neeson needs to get his life back and that he's letting his gun do the talking.
I knew nothing about Unknown going in and I personally thought that it was really good. So if that's all you need go with confidence. If not, read on.
Unknown starts us off with Martin Harrison, Liam Neeson, and his wife Elaine or Ellen, I can't remember she's not very present in the movie, but she's played by January Jones. So far you have a Martin and a January in this movie and I am a Martin born in January, strange.
Anyway, Martin forgets his briefcase at the air port and leaves the hotel to go and get it. On the way he gets into a freak accident and almost drowns. His cab driver saves him and he falls into a comma for four days.
He wakes up with hazy memory but remembers his wife is at the hotel. So he goes there to ask why she didn't come looking for him when he finds another man has become him, literally another man has become Martin Harrison. His wife doesn't recognize Liam Neeson nor do his colleges. Of course he has no I.D. so he has to find out what is going on.

Honestly the mystery of the movie had me going every which way but to the correct answer, which I won't spoil. I think the only thing I was disappointed in was the lack of fight scenes. In Taken, Liam Neeson destroyed every thug that stood in his way with a sharp punch to the gut, a demand for information and a snap of the neck when they wouldn't talk, but here there's one really good fight scene at the end and that's all.
All in all the movie was enjoyable and worth the price of admission if you're just looking for a good story to kill a few hours, however, Taken is still the superior movie and if you haven't scene it yet you should be ashamed of yourself!