Jeff Bridges is an actor who is quickly climbing up my ladder of actors I'll watch in pretty much anything, and his performance in Tron Legacy is no exception.
Before I gush about the movie I'll say this. Yes Tron Legacy is worth it. If you can see it in 3D Imax but if not it's still a pretty good movie.
Ok So Tron 2 picks up 20ish years after the Original Tron with Kevin Flynns son Sam. It actually starts in 1989 where Kevin is talking to Sam about the Grid and how he created Clu and how he Clu and Tron are building a civilization. Flynn then disappears until in 2010 when Alan from Tron arrives at Sams little seaside shack. They talk about Encom and how Sam should take it over and make it not so greedy but he refuses. Before Alan leaves he mentions that Kevin paged him from the Arcade. Sam goes to investigate and accidentally gets sucked into the Grid.
He is suited up and taken to the Gaming Grid where he fights a mysterious dual disc wielding stranger. He drives a light cycle against Clu who looks like a young Jeff Bridges.
Let me pause here and bring up that in the Grid scenes the CGI on young Bridges looks great. Outside the Grid....not so much.
Anyway Sam escapes with a girl named Quorra and meets his Dad. After some arguing and discussion Sam and Quorra go see Zeus and Kevin follows after wielding his Jedi powers.
I can't spoil the rest for you but it's awesome.
I know some people didn't like but I was floored. Granted the original Tron had more computer references than the new one does, but the new one focuses more on the ever thickening plot.
There's not much else to say except go see it.
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